Thursday 28 November 2013

Welcome to our zoo!!

Welcome to our Zoo!

So our house is literally a zoo! today I'm going to introduce you to our awesome pets (and one visitor).

I'll start with our awesome dog, Jackson, who is almost fully blind, but is an amazing pooch :)
We've had Jackson for just over 2 years now, and he's a wonderful dog. My daughter would love for us to get another little dog, I'm keeping an eye out at the Rescue Shelter where we found our Jackson - Hopeful Hearts - they are a great organization looking for homes for some older and some special needsdogs (which by the way are awesome!!),you never know maybe we'll adopt another one, but don't tell my boyfriend Scott I said that ;)

The sleepy Corgi, is Nella!! we are dog sitting her until January because her person is on a trip to Australia (lucky guy). We are enjoying Nella staying with us, the house will feel empty when she goes home. 

Now on to the cats!!
This is Mischief (or Kitten as we call her as she's the youngest of the 3),  She is an sweet little cat who gives lots of kisses and never likes to be too far away from her people (unless there are strangers in the  Kitten is an amazing hunter and will stalk and kill anything that gets into the house from a fly or ladybug to the poor little mice that got into the basement last year. Kitten is Jackson's biggest fan, and if he's upset about anything, she is always on hand to comfort him. She also likes to fetch like a dog...good thing she doesn't bark, we'd never get ANY

This beautiful girl is Gizmo! she's not always the friendliest cat, but when she wants attention, she will let you know.  My daughter is Gizmo's main person, most nights she scratches outside my bedroom door so I can let her into my daughter's room. She enjoys cuddling on the bed with Erin, and most mornings when I open the door to let her out, all I get is a dirty look from Giz as she puts her head back down on her paws to go back to  We sometimes call Gizmo "Death Glare Kitty" or DGT for short, if looks from this little cat could kill, I would have been dead a loooooonnnng time

This gorgeous white kitty is the oldest of the 3, her name is Fluffy (so named by my daughter when she was 7 years  She has heterochromia (2 different coloured eyes) also known as an "Odd Eyed Cat".  Fluffy is an affectionate, loving girl who likes nothing more to cuddle while I'm sitting on the couch watching tv. She loves all people, and will always go investigate when someone new comes into the house (the opposite of Kitten).  If you pet her, she'll be your buddy forever :) Fluffy also likes to fetch (I'm pretty sure she taught Kitten how to do it!)

We all enjoy the pets, and I think each of them has their favourite person too!! They definitely add some love  and fun to the household :)

Just for fun, here are a couple of Christmas pics!! enjoy :)

Aren't they cute!!!

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